Structural Analysis/OptiStruct

4_Torsional analysis(spot weld flange)

elif 2023. 12. 4. 19:58

Torsional analysis is a very important aspect of structural and mechanical engineering.

The main purpose of this analysis is to understand and predict how a structure or mechanical part will 

respond to a torsional force or torque.


In this example, compare the torsional stiffness and rotation angle of a shell element with node sharing versus spot welding.


Boundary condition


E = 207GPa,

v = 0.327

T = 250 kNmm

If closed section beam.

where $T$ is the torsional moment, $G$ is the shear modulus, ${J_{EFF}}$ is the polar moment of inertia, $\tau $ is the shear stress.


and if p=80mm (weld pitch)



Run HyperMesh and drow lines


Create - Materials

E : 207000

NU : 0.327



Create - Properties

Card Image : PSHELL

Material : (1) material1

T : 1



Assigning a property to a component.


Geom - Surfaces - Drag along Vector

direction : x-axis

distance : 500

Drag + 


2D - automesh - surfs

Select all planes

element size : 4

mesh type : quads


When done creating the mesh, specify the nodes want to share.

Tool - edges

Change from comps to elems.

tolorance : 0.1

Select 4 elements 40mm from the right, then select elements 80mm apart.

Select the same for the back for symmetry.


Click preview equiv

Pressing equivalenced will share the node.


Create - Load Collector

name : spc

BCs - create - constraints

Check all dof and select left node



Create - Load Collector

name : moment

1D - rigids

Set calculate node

elem types : RBE2

Select all nodes on the right


BCs - Create - Moments

Select the created RBE2 element.

magnitude : -250000

direction : x-axis



Create - Load Steps

Analysis type : Linear Static

SPC : (1) spc

LOAD : (2) moment

Load Step

Check the displacement of the OUTPUT


ROTATIONS : ROTA(Output the rotational displacement result)


Analysis - OptiStruct


node sharing


The maximum rotational displacement in the x direction is -5.891e-3 rad.

The error from the theoretical value was about 5.0%, which was larger than I expected.


To do a spot weld, set the same except for node sharing.

Create - component

name : upper

tool - organize - collectors


select elemtns

dest component : upper

copy and return


Create - component

name : lower

tool - organize - collectors

select elemtnes

dest component : lower

copy and return


Sharing nodes with existing components and components created using equivalence.




Create - three Properties

name : upper, lower and pweld

upper and lower




Create - Component

name : spot_weld

Assigning a property to a component.


1D - spotweld

using elems

select upper and lower element

element config : rod

property : pweld

weld location : select upper and lower node

search tolerance : 0.1

Create - return


Analysis - Optistruct




The maximum rotational displacement in the x direction is -6.639e-3 rad.

The error from the theoretical value was about 7.0%

  ground truth node sharing spot weld
Rotation(x) -6.205 -5.891


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