Structural Analysis/OptiStruct

1_Linear static analysis

elif 2023. 12. 1. 17:59

First example is linear static analysis. This is my first post, Im going to start with easy.

This example is from undergraduate class


Cantilever beam


The cantilever example through Hypermesh.


Cross section of cantilever beam

The cantilevers has I-shaped cross section.


Run Hyperworks


After running, select OptiStruct in the user profiles


First, drow a line

Geom - lines

Start point : 0, 0, 0

End point : 5000, 0, 0



Create - BeamSection

define parameter

Beam section


Create - Materials

Card Image : MAT1

MAT1 : generally used linear-elastic

E : 210000

NU = 0.3



Create - Properties 

Card Image : PBEAML

-PBEAML : described information of beam section

Material : (1) matarial

Beam Section : (1) beamsection1




Property : (1) property


second, create a mesh

1D - line mesh 

line mesh

element size : 300

property : property1

components : 0, 1, 0


1D Traditional and Detailed Element Presentation



Third, define the constraints

Create - Load Collectors 

Name : spc (single point constraints)


BCs - Create - Constraints


Check All dof and select left node


Define a load

Create - Load Collectors

Name : force


BCs - Create - Forces

magnitude : -200 kN

axis : z-axis


Select the right node to define load


Finally, set the load case

Create - Load Steps

Analysis type : Linear Staric

SPC : (1) spc

LOAD : (2) force

Load steps


Analysis - OptiStruct

export options : all

run options : analysis

memory options : memory default


The maximum displacement(z) is 785mm

In element stresses, we can see values at specific parts of the section geometry.



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