Structural Analysis/OptiStruct


elif 2023. 12. 14. 21:30

In the previous post, I talked about part and property.

Today, I explain to other part in pendulums example



Just one material for this example.


Model - Material

Create New - Elastic and Hyperelastic - Linear elastic (1)

In reality, for most materials density does not change, but in simulations, we sometimes need to simulate special environments such as high temperature or high pressure, so we use a reference density to characterize the material.

Unit for young's modulus and density is MPa, g/mm^3.


Boundary Condition

The first constraint is to secure the top to hang the Truss. check all dof except in X rotation

The second constraint is to constrain the X translation and Y,Z rotation so that the pendulum can only move in the YZ plane.


Add a gravity acceleration function to set the gravity.

Model - Function

name : gravity

Define Curve

gravity function


After defining a function, create Gravity Load.

LoadCase - Gravity Load


funct_IDT : select in model

Fscale_Y : 1

Grnod_ID : all component


Contact Interface

contact interface


Tie two of the six pendulums that collide to create one contact interface, so we have a total of five contact interfaces. Use a lagrange multiplier to speed up solving problems with constraints, and we use Tied to bind the two objects together (I don't really understand why check Tied).

Slave nodes are set to the left pendulum relative to the master solid, and the master solid is set to the right pendulum.
Create a solid brick to use TYPE16?
The contact interface method used in this example is very inefficient because it requires you to identify and specify the elements to contact in advance.


Control Card

control card

There are a total of 18 control cards used in this example. Let's take a look at them one by one


ANALY - Set the analysis type and parallel arithmetic option.

N2D3D(Analysis type) : 3D

IPARITH(Parallel arthmetic option) : Default

ISUB(Subcycling shell elements) : no subcycling


DEF_SHELL - Used to set default values for certain parameters in all shell properties.

Set all values to default


DEF_SOLID - Used to set default values for certain parameters in all solid properties and thick shells.

Set default values


IOFLAG - Describes the input-output flags.

Ipri(Starter output printout flag : 0 (reduced printout including part mass and inertia)

IDROT(Force computation of rotational DOF flag) : 0

Set other values to default


SPMD - Sets SPMD parameters for Hybrid Massively Parallel Program (HMPP) computation.

DOMDEC(Type of domain decomposition) : 0

Nporc(Number of processors) : 0

Dkword(Requested memory) : 0

Nthread(Number of SMP threads per SPMD domain) : 1

Could it be that I set IPARITH to default in the ANALY and set Nspmd to 0 because HMPP is not applied? Actually, I'm not sure if the two are even related.


ABF - Describes the output of .abf files. (.abf files are optimized for fast plotting of very large data sets and is intended for creating 2D and 3D plots using HyperGraph and HyperGraph 3D).

DTABF(Time frequency to write data on plot .abf file) : 0.5

DTW_ABF(Time frequency to write .abf file : 1e+30


ANIM_BRICK_TENS - Generates animation files containing tensor data for brick elements, in global coordinate system.

create - STRESS

uncheck the Flag for mean value or ijk or ALL

i integration point : 0

j integration point : 0

k integration point : 0


ANIM_DT - Write animation files at a time frequency equal to Tfreq the first file being written at time Tstart.

TSTART(Start time) : 0

TFREQ(Time frequency) : 0


ANIM_ELTYPE_RESTYLE - Generates animation files containing element data for the specified result



ANIM_MASS - Generates animation files containing nodal masses.


ANIM_VECT - Generates animation files containing vectorial data for the specified variable.

Create 4 vect : CONT, FINT, ACCEL, VEL



DTSCA(Scale factor on time step) : 0.9

DTMN(Minimum time step for option) : 0


MON - Provides an estimation of the CPU time spent for each processor.



PARITH - Turns the parallel arithmetic ON/OFF.



RUN_NAME_NUMBER_LETTER - Identifies the run number

Run Number : 1

DT_STOP(Final time for run) : 900.01


TFILE - Defines the frequency of writing the time history for of T-file.

Type : Binary IEEE 32 bits

DT_HIS(Time frequency to write data on history plot file) : 0.5


VERS - Identifies the input data version number


The results are as follows



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