Structural Analysis/OptiStruct

11_Impact analysis

elif 2023. 12. 11. 19:59


In this post, I will perform an S-Beam Crash, an example from the RADIOSS guide.


The description of RADIOSS is as follows

An S-beam is crushed at an initial rate of 5 m/s against a rigid wall. The section is an empty square-shaped tube (each side measuring 80 mm).

The thickness is 1.5 mm. The tube is made of steel, and plasticity is considered, but not failure.

model description(Radioss2021 example guide)

Material Properties

Young's modulus : 199355MPa

Poisson's ratio : 0.3

Density : 7.9e-3g/mm^3

Yield stress : 185.4MPa

Hardening parameter : 540MPa

Hardening exponent : 0.32

Maximum stress : 336.6MPa



As in the previous post, I'll create the model in HyperMesh and import it in HyperCrash.


Model - Material

Create New -  Elasto plastic - Johnson Cook

RHO_I : 7.9e-3

E : 199355

Nu : 0.3

a : 185

b : 540

n : 0.32

SIG_max0 : 336.6



Thick : 1.5


Create a rigid element.

Mesh Editing - Rigid Body

MASS : 5000

select the left side



Create boundary condition

Check all dof

Gnod_id : select the right side



Create new boundary condition

Check all dof except TX and TY

Gnod_id : select a rigid node

Save and Close


Speed setting

LoadCase - Imposed - Imposed Velocity

Dir : X

funct_IDT : Define Function

grnod_ID : select a rigid node

save and close


contact condition

The contact condition doesn't give much information, so I only checked the self impact.


Model - Control Card


Run Number : 1

DT_STOP : 30.01

The other values are the same as in the previous post.


File - Export -RADIOSS -save model


The results are shown above, and I'll explore them in more detail in the next post.

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